About Marina

"Marina" is a poignant short film that delves into the life of Lucho, a young deaf boy working alongside his family in their bustling restaurant. Despite his deafness, Lucho finds solace and connection in his unlikely friendship with Marina, a vivacious dishwasher with a heart of gold. As Lucho navigates the challenges of communication with his hearing family, Marina becomes his beacon of understanding, bridging the gap with her limited knowledge of American Sign Language.

"Their bond deepens as they share moments of joy while washing dishes and dancing to the rhythm of life. After an impulsive mistake on Lucho's part leads to a series of devastating consequences, he sets out on a journey of redemption and forgiveness, confronting his mistakes and finds the courage to make amends. With the support of his family and Marina's unwavering forgiveness, he learns valuable lessons about honesty, empathy, and the enduring power of human connection.

"Marina" is a moving exploration of love, forgiveness, and the resilience of the human spirit. Through the lens of Lucho's journey, the film celebrates the beauty of friendship, the complexities of communication, and the transformative impact of empathy and understanding.

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